Switzerland's Religious Landscape

Die neuapostolische Kirche Lenzburg-Staufen im Kanton Aargau.

The New Apostolic Church in Lenzburg-Staufen in the canton of Aargau (Photo: www.nak.ch).

The New Apostolic Church

The New Apostolic Church of Switzerland says about itself:

“The New Apostolic Church understands itself as a continuation of the original Christian Church, which is represented worldwide and subdivided into District Churches. The Holy Spirit and the modern, spiritual message together form the basis of the doctrine which is designed to proclaim God's salvation plan and prepare believing souls for the promised return of Christ.”

Detailed information on Islam and Islamic communities and organisations in Switzerland together with numerous links can be found on the websites of Inforel.ch and the religious studies seminars of the University of Lucerne

You will find the complete article as well as further information about the New Apostolic Church of Switzerland on their web portal.

Last modified: 4.11.11