Switzerland's Religious Landscape

Die Klosteranlage von Hauterive.

Representing the many new orders formed in Switzerland: the Cistercian monastery at Hauterive in the canton of Fribourg. (Photo: http://www.swisscastles.ch)

«The Interim Period»

Between the first millennium ad and 31 October 1517, when Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses against clerical abuses including the sale of indulgences were made public in Wittenberg, much had happened and many changes had been made to Christianity in Switzerland as well, both for the better and for the worse. There were times of prosperity and times of decline but gradually the Church completely infiltrated people’s everyday lives.

From the innumerable events that occurred during these six hundred years of Church history we can only cherry-pick a few here that have left behind visible (and viewable) traces in Switzerland.


Last modified: 5.11.11